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Rebuilding Tables online using pg_repack in PostgreSQL

Any database engine, including PostgreSQL, requires some routine maintenance to ensure optimal performance. Especially when there are massive delete or…

Connecting to PostgreSQL with Go using PGX

PostgreSQL has emerged as a reliable, feature-rich database used extensively across various industries. On the other hand, Go (Golang), known…

Data Navigation with PostgreSQL Cursors – Part III

Welcome back to our series on PostgreSQL Cursors. As we continue exploring PostgreSQL Cursors, including Scrollable and Non-Scrollable Cursors, we’re…

IN, OUT and INOUT parameters in Oracle vs PostgreSQL

When migrating Oracle routines to PostgreSQL, handling OUT and INOUT parameters can be tricky. Understanding the distinctions between Oracle and…

Exploring JSONB in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL is a powerful Open-Source database management system and a migration target for Unstructured databases like MongoDB. as well as…

Partitioning by Reference – Oracle vs PostgreSQL

Sometimes, when you are working on a migration to PostgreSQL, you can encounter features that do not exist in PostgreSQL.…

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